The Englishman

Mittwoch, 13. April 2005

A short story

The Englishman

The Englishman streches his legs. He liked the cosy room in this small hut and felt at his ease here. He was happy to be far away from his office, from the large city with its noise and stench, far from conferences and — far from the television set.

He had craved for these holidays.

The guide sat opposite him and had bacon and bread. He was a wiry chap and one could see by his face that he was familiar with the dangers of the mountains.

The Englishman looked at his taciturn guide. „A strange man“ – he thought, but he trusted him.

There were no other guests here this evening, only two men of the mountain rescue service sat in the kitchen and chatted with the hut keeper.

The Englishman remembered the experiences of this day, his impressions on this mountain tour, and he forgot all around himself: the room, the people, the hut. The weather had been excellent, but it was autumn and the air had been cold even at noon. They had been marching nearly the whole day. They had crossed chutes, overcome ridges. The view from the peak had been wonderful.

But in the afternoon they had seen how a rescue party saved a casuality. — Or was there a dead man? When the Englishman thought of this, he shuddered.

At half past eight he ascended to the dormitory. The hut keeper showed him his couch.

Although the English guest felt ready to drop he did not sleep very well that night. Again and again the accident came to his mind, and when he slept, he dreamed about war and horrible animals which wanted to harm him.

In a dogsleep he suddenly heard a rustle.

The Englishman gathered, listended and heard a noise near the door again.

„How do you do?", he said, but nowbody answered.

In the morning they got up early. They had to go another long strech of way on their mountain tour. Therefore the guide and the Englishman started as early as sunrise.

The holiday-maker enjoyed the clean air, delighted in the beauty of the mountains and took many pictures.

At last he became hungry. On a sunny square they sat drown to take a rest and some refreshment. The Englishman opened his knapsack and produced his victual–box.

How frightened he was as a mouse all of a sudden jumped out of it and disappeared between the stones!

When they continued their walk it had already become midday.

A buzzard circled in the sky. The guide stopped for a moment and looked upwards. Then he went on, firmly and steadily as he was wont to, and the Englishman followed him.


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